Thursday 30 August 2007

Art And Originality

Human nature wages a battle between individuality and originality on one hand, and community and "fitting in" on the other. And where does it get us? Often - trouble. Creating, pursuing originality, is often a destructive process. Every scientist, contemporary artist, entrepreneur - anyone chasing their bold dream - is inherently making obsolete what came before. And as we all know, it sure adds difficulty to our lives. You can always spot a trail blazer…he is the one with arrows in his back!
The debate of whether original thoughts still exist has gone on for centuries and one can but wonder if we are just rehashing what we've collectively forgotten. It's a fear that resonates among many artists, especially painters these days because we've run the full range from purely representational to purely abstract art.

But we cannot for one moment assume that we have done everything that there is to do. It's a much safer bet that we are continually going to be tossed on our backs by something new.

Originality and individuality cannot exist without its opposite.

Keith Haring, the late pop artist, wrote "No artists are part of a movement unless they are followers. And then they are unnecessary and doing unnecessary art. If they are exploring in an 'individual way' with 'different ideas' the idea of another individual, they are making a worthy contribution, but as soon as they call themselves followers or accept the truths they have not explored as truths, they are defeating the purpose of abstract art, contemporary art or any style of art as an individual expression - Art as art."

You can say something old in a new voice, and you can say something new in an old voice. Originality still exists in art and painting, although it is getting tougher. Originality exists in something as simple as your signature. Too often we close off our creativity by over-thinking and seeking approval. Yes, we are social creatures, we need approval, we need community. But to those of us who are hard-wired to seek our own path, you have to remember to put aside the comments of fashion and the criticism of the establishment.

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Source: A1 Articles

Occupation: Partner at Strawberrysoup
Neil is a partner at Strawberrysoup, a website design agency based in Chichester and Bournemouth.

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