Thursday 30 August 2007

Art And Originality

Human nature wages a battle between individuality and originality on one hand, and community and "fitting in" on the other. And where does it get us? Often - trouble. Creating, pursuing originality, is often a destructive process. Every scientist, contemporary artist, entrepreneur - anyone chasing their bold dream - is inherently making obsolete what came before. And as we all know, it sure adds difficulty to our lives. You can always spot a trail blazer…he is the one with arrows in his back!
The debate of whether original thoughts still exist has gone on for centuries and one can but wonder if we are just rehashing what we've collectively forgotten. It's a fear that resonates among many artists, especially painters these days because we've run the full range from purely representational to purely abstract art.

But we cannot for one moment assume that we have done everything that there is to do. It's a much safer bet that we are continually going to be tossed on our backs by something new.

Originality and individuality cannot exist without its opposite.

Keith Haring, the late pop artist, wrote "No artists are part of a movement unless they are followers. And then they are unnecessary and doing unnecessary art. If they are exploring in an 'individual way' with 'different ideas' the idea of another individual, they are making a worthy contribution, but as soon as they call themselves followers or accept the truths they have not explored as truths, they are defeating the purpose of abstract art, contemporary art or any style of art as an individual expression - Art as art."

You can say something old in a new voice, and you can say something new in an old voice. Originality still exists in art and painting, although it is getting tougher. Originality exists in something as simple as your signature. Too often we close off our creativity by over-thinking and seeking approval. Yes, we are social creatures, we need approval, we need community. But to those of us who are hard-wired to seek our own path, you have to remember to put aside the comments of fashion and the criticism of the establishment.

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Source: A1 Articles

Occupation: Partner at Strawberrysoup
Neil is a partner at Strawberrysoup, a website design agency based in Chichester and Bournemouth.

Silk Flowers Are Perfect for Every Occasion

Whether you are planning a special occasion for your true love or you just have a hobby of collecting silk flowers, then you have taste, and for that you must be applauded. Silk flowers make the most beautiful flower arrangements and you need not worry about the flowers dying on you. They can add character to any dull room, and with the variety of different colors they can brighten up a table. The fabric last and the only cleaning you will probably have to do it wiping the dust off the leaves.

These flowers make beautiful bouquets, and with your creativity you can send a bouquet to a special person in your life…or even to say thank you to someone that has just highlighted your day with just a simple smile or a few words of inspiration. This is also a great way if you want to keep your home full of flowers. Think about it, you won't have to water flowers again, or if you have always had the habit of forgetting to water flowers – worrying about the poor things dying of thirst.

Don't think that because they are artificial that they are going to look artificial. Like fresh flowers that need to be replaced after a few days or a few weeks, silk flowers keep their beauty and color time and time again, and the nice thing is that the artificial flowers can be made to look like fresh flowers.

You will probably get questions like, "Where did you get these beautiful flowers?" and "They have been here so long. What are you feeding them that keep their color and freshness?" Obviously it will be up to you to give the secret away, or you could just leave them in suspense about how beauty finds its way into your home and stays there for as long as you want them there.

If you see a certain silk flower that you just love, take notice of it so that you can look for it when you're planning a special event. There's many places online that also offer a good selection of silk flowers, so check online too.

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Source: A1

How Do You Get A Degree In Culinary Arts?

It is important if you want to be a master chef that you do a Degree in culinary arts. There are a number of institutions that offer these degrees in every one of the localities. Where ever you are in the US you will find one closest to you. What is more? There are also universities that offer these courses on a remote learning basis too! These institutes however, insist that you visit either their campus or an affiliated campus for in house training at some point of time or other. How do you find the right Degree in culinary arts course for you?

Almost every one of the Universities in the country has a culinary course for you. They offer any of the numerous Degree in culinary arts courses and programs. There are special programs for full time learners as well as there are ones that are valid for the working people. Even the practicing culinary specialists also find it a necessity to enhance their skills using any of these degrees that are offered by the Universities. You can find the courses that are offered by these institutes and schools for culinary learning on line. The University web sites carry adequate information on how and when the course commences and what are the eligibility norms that they have. As a matter of fact, in most of this Degree in culinary arts courses, you will find that your interest is one of the prime factors and you can get a seat if you can support yourself for the course. Many of the people would choose their course only on two criteria. One, does the institute that offer this course is specialized in the area that you are interested in? There could be a number of specialist institutes that would help you in learning Italian and European cuisine. But which one of them is the specialist one? If you want to really excel and be known for it, then you will possibly like to attend the best Degree in culinary arts.

The second criterion that students consider would be the factor of cost. How much is it going to cost me if I am going to do a course in there? Quite a valid question, particularly, since you need to support yourself for the entire course. In most of the institutions where you do the course of this kind, you will also find that you can work part time. Meaning there are restaurants and other off site service centers where the school would be catering to the requirements of their culinary fans. This will also help the school and its students practice what they are taught. Learning skills will be enhanced and this would result in a better understanding of the working methods.

Under this condition, the cost of the Degree in culinary arts could almost come down to zero. There are institutes that offer tuition fee waivers if you work part time. There are also others that pay on specific events. When there is an event where the school takes your help then you get paid for it.

Article written by Francisco Segura.

This article is free for republishing
Source: Art Articles from A1 Articles


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Friday 24 August 2007

Online Music: Addiction Unlimited

They say that he who hath no music in him is fit for treasons and spoils. That is the glory of music. It is the essence of the soul of humanity which is loved not only by human beings but also by the animal kingdom and plants. The discovery of music and its journey could be dated back with the evolution of the mankind. It heals and puts balm on our emotional upheavals.

In the contemporary world, music has seen an immense popularity and it has become an important business that has always stayed up on the popularity charts. With the advent of the popular cinema and Hollywood music, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of the music. We have seen so many different genres of music in the form of pop, rock, jazz, country, blues and so on that has added on to the forms of music. Also, traditional classical music always had its own niche loyalists who patronised music as an essence of our existence.

Twenty first century has seen an increase of the Internet users in all around the world and it has also given rise to the concept of Internet marketing. With such a trend, online music has significantly increased and the target users are enjoying their online music more than anything. The netizens who have grown fond of the online music swear by it and claim that they can't find music better than this. You can not only legally download, but also buy the favourite music CD's and DVD's totally online. Plus, you have a tremendous variety in finding the music of your choice that you would never be able to find at your local high street music shop.

There are various online music stores that cater to your needs and requirement as far as the online music is concerned. You can browse through the highly user friendly websites that give you enormous variety and also a lot of discounts on your favourite music CD's and DVDs. Else there are various online music download websites that give you legal download of most of your favourite tracks.

Enjoy your online music and get the maximum through the Internet.

Jayson Pablo, an author who writes on different themes for xpert4u and appeal to visit the site to get information about music dvd and dial up internet.
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Jamie Wood: It Don't Mean A Thing If It Don't Have That Swing

Getting the Scoop On Holly-Wood Confidential

CHC We have just gotten a pre-release of your third CD entitled "Hollywood Confidential". "Holly-Wood" is obviously a play on your last name, and makes reference to "Tinseltown" that great center of cinematography, Please tell us about this new CD.

Jamie Wood Well, as you know, blues-based swing is our passion. So this time, on Hollywood Confidential, we wanted to keep that swing thing going, but give it a little more punch by adding the horns. I think we achieved our goal. It's really fun and upbeat, which is what we wanted. I also love R&B so I wrote Song for Mr. X. It's a little more of a 50's sound but I think it fits well with the other songs. Also, Nathan James is just a monster talent on Delta and country blues, so of course there will always be one or two of those. I wanted to add Why Don't You Do Right because I have heard so many people cover that song and they always play and sing it so fast!! In my mind I heard it very vampy and pouty - you know, like "Hey now baby, why dontcha just go on and DO RIGHT????

CHC: In listening to this new CD, it and your previous one, Ain't No Doubt About It are a departure from your very first, Flyin' High. This one buildson the success of your last. Why and how did you decide to make this departure from your original sound?

Jamie Wood: I've been doing traditional blues for many years and I still love to hear it and to sing it. But I just always had in the back of my mind a different way of doing it. I listen a lot to Louis Jordan. As far as I'm concerned he was a musical genious. His stuff is always upbeat but I began to notice how much space there is in his music. By that I mean, a lot of bands are trying to achieve a "big, fat, mellow tone" sort of sound. They try to get it by having filling up every space unitl, to my ear, it sounds like a train wreck!!! You can't hear anything distinctly. I had the idea that if we left more breathing space, if everybody played LESS, we'd get that fat sound. And sure enough, ya gotta give the girl her props!!! Just jivin' Daddy-O. It really did work out though, as you can hear. All our fellow musicians keep sayin' "How did you get that sound?" I just say "It ain't no thang, baby!! Just take your foot off the gas!!!" But seriously, you can't be a mediocre musician to play this stuff like this. I think that's why some bands play so loud and fast - to hide the fact that they aren't very good musicians. SO!! Ya gotta give my guys their props too!!! Because they are, each and every one, top drawer musicians. With them behind me, singin is a piece of cake, Jake!!

CHC: How is your new sound being received in California?

Jamie Wood Very well!! It's getting a lot of radio play and it's selling pretty good so that's all I can ask for, right?

CHC: Have the same personnel in the band been with you on all three CDs?

Jamie Wood: Ah, the poysonelle!!! Yip!! Well, mostly yip!! Nathan James, Johnny Rover, Johnny Morgan and Tyler Pedersen were with me on the three you refer to. Flyin High mistakenly lists Buddy Clarke as the bass player and although I used to work with Buddy a lot, it's Tyler on Flyin High. Also, on that recording I had Tommy Mahon on piano and Robby Eason on guitar, along with Nathan. Carl Sonny Leyland joined us on Ain't No Doubt and Hollywood Confidential.

CHC: To give everyone some background on yourself, how long have you been in music?

Jamie Wood: Well, let's see. I can't remember a time when I wasn't singing. I sang gospel in church as a kid. That's almost mandatory when you're from the South. Then when we came to California I was about 14 I guess, and I got involved with a folk trio and toured up and down the West Coast doing festivals and coffee houses - anywhere I could lie about my age and get away with it. But it was in 1988 or 89 that I formed the Roadhouse Rockets.

CHC: This new CD, "Hollywood Confidential" features three originals penned by yourself. The balance of the CD includes several pop standards. How do your chose your material?

JAmie Wood Okay kiddo, first of all I have never done a "pop" cover in my life!! All the covers I do are mostly 30's and 40's songs. I choose a song because it speaks to me in some way. My personal style, and even the way I write is pretty much from a humorous point of view. So if it makes me laugh or I like the story it tells, then I want to do it.

CHC: On the CD you feature a "way gone" horn section. Introduce us to your horn section.

Jamie Wood Well, there's Ron Dziubla on saxophones, who blows everybody out the water as far as I'm concerned. He brought Bill Churchville to play trumpet. Then of course there is Anita Thomas who played exactly the perfect clarinet on Everything Is Movin Too Fast.

CHC: Johnny plays on fewer tracks on this CD than your last, although he has a larger part in the production and the cover design. Is this the direction Johnny is headed?

Jamie Wood: Johnny and I like to take a very active part in the production and design process. We actually have been invoved in every phase of all our recordings, but this time we just decided to finally give ourselves credit. Johnny plays less on this one because some of the songs just didn't ask for harmonica, and he was cool with that because he's a professional musician and cares more about the music than his ego. But if I were you Baby Doll, I'd look for him and his harps to be a lot more present on the next one!!! We're thinkin about takin it right on back to the roots!!

CHC: We understand that you will shortly leave for Brazil to promote the release of this new CD. Is this your first visit to Brazil?

Jamie Wood: Nope. This will be our third tour there. And man, I gotta tell you, the people in Brazil LOVE American blues. The audiences are so responsive. We always have so much fun when we tour there. We'll be there 3 weeks this time so it will be a pretty heavy tour. Usually that's hard work, but not there. I'm really looking forward to it!!!

CHC: How is your music received down there?

Jamie Wood; They love it!!! They make us feel like celebrities when we go down there.

CHC: How would you compare Brazil's music scene with that stateside?

TJamie Wood: hey have a great music scene. There are clubs everywhere to hear and play live music - and lots of festivals!! We find that here in L.A. the scene is dryin up pretty fast. All the clubs are going to kar-e-oke!! It's getting harder to work here. Might have to move to Austin or Chicago or New Orleans!!! Good thing we stay pretty busy touring. When we get back from Brazil, we'll be home a week, then back to Belgium and France.

CHC: Do you have any final words for the swinging cats and crazy kittens in our readership, and your fans?

Jamie Wood: It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing, doo wah, doo wah, doo waaaaaaaah. Stay tuned guys and dolls. It's finger poppin time!!!!

CHC: Swinging!

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Cradley Heath Amateur Oporatic Society

Summer Holiday is a fun loving, exciting and hilarious musical. From the First Kiss to the Last Blush It's the Craziest Riot On Wheels! If you enjoy a show that will take you on a journey of up's and downs then this is one defiantly NOT to miss.

A film of 'Summer Holiday' was released in February 1963, staring Cliff Richards (Left) as Don, one of four bus mechanics and is a classic from film to stage.
The mechanics strike up a deal with London Transport to do up a double decker and tour it round Europe as a hotel in exchange for a whole fleet of busses... is it too good to be true?

The plot twists when in France three ladies are picked up whose car has broken down. The four lads offer to take them to their next job in Rome. More exciting characters are picked up along the way, a stowaway and an American boy. Meanwhile, a young American female singer has gone missing. Her mother does all she can to find her, including hiring a detective. We find out that the American boy has some explaining to do!! This red bus is diverted all round Europe in dangerous and fun situations all under the umbrella of song.

For more information visit