Wednesday 28 November 2007

Film and Photographic Studio for Hire

Churchhill studio can offer you all the usual facilities such as a Wi Fi internet, telephones, sterio, ipod dock, kitchen, modern bathroom and shower, lounge, makeup area and parking. We can arrange lunch to suit your needs and budget.

The studio was set up by sisters Carley and Vicci Churchill who themselves grew up in the photgraphic industry. They are both experienced in studio managment and digital operating.

For more information visit Churchill Studio.

Monday 15 October 2007

Learn guitar online- Jamorama review

Learning to play guitar is a time consuming and difficult job. Learning to play guitar requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Though this work is actually fun to 99% of aspiring guitarists. To learn to play the guitar you will need a great guitar teacher. Notice I said teacher and not player. There are many great guitar players I know that could not even teach you to hold a pick. I recently tried out Jamorama by Ben Edwards. As an already established guitar player I really enjoyed the 26 jam tracks and once you master the basics you will enjoy them too. But before you get onto that be sure to study the basics outlined in the course.

When you first start out in any guitar program no matter if it is online or offline make sure you completely master each lesson and idea before you move on. Without a solid foundation you will have nothing to fall back on for your basics of guitar. You do not want to develop bad habits and then have to try to change them years after you have been playing guitar. You would not believe how many guitar players I have seen make fundamentally wrong mistakes that have been playing for years.There are 148 lessons in Jamorama. Ben Edwards is the creator of this online lesson series and was the lead guitarist in a band called Degreesk. His band traveled the world playing many tours and shows. He is now working full time as private and online guitar teacher. This course is designed to be a multimedia course so you can quickly learn guitar without spending a fortune.

There is great step-by-step instruction that allows you to recognize the notes and be able to play the song later.I found Jamorama to be a great learning tool and I recommend it to all my guitar students how want to further their studies at home. I actually use the gaming software that teaches note reading in my private guitar lessons to help students learn. I find this effective mainly for children. Take some time to investigate Jamorama and other online guitar lessons. Do a few searches on Google, MSN or Yahoo and see what people are saying about this program and similar ones. Also get on the forums and ask questions about what beginner guitarists think about this program. I have been playing guitar for 7 years and have had many different private and online guitar teachers so my opinion might be a little different that new guitar players that have had no experience and are leaning everything for the first time.

The Jamorama site says that after you buy this program that you will not need to buy any software, lessons, videos or books again. I personally do not think this is true. Jamorama does not teach everything in the world about guitar, that would be impossible. But, if you did need to buy more guitar books or videos after you have mastered all the information in Jamorama you will be an elite guitar player. So having to buy more guitar book or videos or lessons would be a great problem to have.If you are looking to study guitar online sign up for a free 6-part online guitar course. You will have full access to 6 step-by-step guitar lessons including audio and video demos, free music learning software and helpful tips and advice. Sign up for free here:

This article is free for republishingSource:Article Alley, best for Music Articles


Thursday 6 September 2007

Blind Mans Bluff

Blind Mans Bluff are a four piece band which are based near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. We are a band that regularly plays at local venues, including gigs at pubs and in and around the local area. They were formed in 2006 and have become popular and are renowned for our individual style. It can best be described as eclectic yet modern, whilst appealing to a wide audience.

To visit their website visit:

Thursday 30 August 2007

Art And Originality

Human nature wages a battle between individuality and originality on one hand, and community and "fitting in" on the other. And where does it get us? Often - trouble. Creating, pursuing originality, is often a destructive process. Every scientist, contemporary artist, entrepreneur - anyone chasing their bold dream - is inherently making obsolete what came before. And as we all know, it sure adds difficulty to our lives. You can always spot a trail blazer…he is the one with arrows in his back!
The debate of whether original thoughts still exist has gone on for centuries and one can but wonder if we are just rehashing what we've collectively forgotten. It's a fear that resonates among many artists, especially painters these days because we've run the full range from purely representational to purely abstract art.

But we cannot for one moment assume that we have done everything that there is to do. It's a much safer bet that we are continually going to be tossed on our backs by something new.

Originality and individuality cannot exist without its opposite.

Keith Haring, the late pop artist, wrote "No artists are part of a movement unless they are followers. And then they are unnecessary and doing unnecessary art. If they are exploring in an 'individual way' with 'different ideas' the idea of another individual, they are making a worthy contribution, but as soon as they call themselves followers or accept the truths they have not explored as truths, they are defeating the purpose of abstract art, contemporary art or any style of art as an individual expression - Art as art."

You can say something old in a new voice, and you can say something new in an old voice. Originality still exists in art and painting, although it is getting tougher. Originality exists in something as simple as your signature. Too often we close off our creativity by over-thinking and seeking approval. Yes, we are social creatures, we need approval, we need community. But to those of us who are hard-wired to seek our own path, you have to remember to put aside the comments of fashion and the criticism of the establishment.

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Source: A1 Articles

Occupation: Partner at Strawberrysoup
Neil is a partner at Strawberrysoup, a website design agency based in Chichester and Bournemouth.

Silk Flowers Are Perfect for Every Occasion

Whether you are planning a special occasion for your true love or you just have a hobby of collecting silk flowers, then you have taste, and for that you must be applauded. Silk flowers make the most beautiful flower arrangements and you need not worry about the flowers dying on you. They can add character to any dull room, and with the variety of different colors they can brighten up a table. The fabric last and the only cleaning you will probably have to do it wiping the dust off the leaves.

These flowers make beautiful bouquets, and with your creativity you can send a bouquet to a special person in your life…or even to say thank you to someone that has just highlighted your day with just a simple smile or a few words of inspiration. This is also a great way if you want to keep your home full of flowers. Think about it, you won't have to water flowers again, or if you have always had the habit of forgetting to water flowers – worrying about the poor things dying of thirst.

Don't think that because they are artificial that they are going to look artificial. Like fresh flowers that need to be replaced after a few days or a few weeks, silk flowers keep their beauty and color time and time again, and the nice thing is that the artificial flowers can be made to look like fresh flowers.

You will probably get questions like, "Where did you get these beautiful flowers?" and "They have been here so long. What are you feeding them that keep their color and freshness?" Obviously it will be up to you to give the secret away, or you could just leave them in suspense about how beauty finds its way into your home and stays there for as long as you want them there.

If you see a certain silk flower that you just love, take notice of it so that you can look for it when you're planning a special event. There's many places online that also offer a good selection of silk flowers, so check online too.

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Source: A1

How Do You Get A Degree In Culinary Arts?

It is important if you want to be a master chef that you do a Degree in culinary arts. There are a number of institutions that offer these degrees in every one of the localities. Where ever you are in the US you will find one closest to you. What is more? There are also universities that offer these courses on a remote learning basis too! These institutes however, insist that you visit either their campus or an affiliated campus for in house training at some point of time or other. How do you find the right Degree in culinary arts course for you?

Almost every one of the Universities in the country has a culinary course for you. They offer any of the numerous Degree in culinary arts courses and programs. There are special programs for full time learners as well as there are ones that are valid for the working people. Even the practicing culinary specialists also find it a necessity to enhance their skills using any of these degrees that are offered by the Universities. You can find the courses that are offered by these institutes and schools for culinary learning on line. The University web sites carry adequate information on how and when the course commences and what are the eligibility norms that they have. As a matter of fact, in most of this Degree in culinary arts courses, you will find that your interest is one of the prime factors and you can get a seat if you can support yourself for the course. Many of the people would choose their course only on two criteria. One, does the institute that offer this course is specialized in the area that you are interested in? There could be a number of specialist institutes that would help you in learning Italian and European cuisine. But which one of them is the specialist one? If you want to really excel and be known for it, then you will possibly like to attend the best Degree in culinary arts.

The second criterion that students consider would be the factor of cost. How much is it going to cost me if I am going to do a course in there? Quite a valid question, particularly, since you need to support yourself for the entire course. In most of the institutions where you do the course of this kind, you will also find that you can work part time. Meaning there are restaurants and other off site service centers where the school would be catering to the requirements of their culinary fans. This will also help the school and its students practice what they are taught. Learning skills will be enhanced and this would result in a better understanding of the working methods.

Under this condition, the cost of the Degree in culinary arts could almost come down to zero. There are institutes that offer tuition fee waivers if you work part time. There are also others that pay on specific events. When there is an event where the school takes your help then you get paid for it.

Article written by Francisco Segura.

This article is free for republishing
Source: Art Articles from A1 Articles


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Friday 24 August 2007

Online Music: Addiction Unlimited

They say that he who hath no music in him is fit for treasons and spoils. That is the glory of music. It is the essence of the soul of humanity which is loved not only by human beings but also by the animal kingdom and plants. The discovery of music and its journey could be dated back with the evolution of the mankind. It heals and puts balm on our emotional upheavals.

In the contemporary world, music has seen an immense popularity and it has become an important business that has always stayed up on the popularity charts. With the advent of the popular cinema and Hollywood music, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of the music. We have seen so many different genres of music in the form of pop, rock, jazz, country, blues and so on that has added on to the forms of music. Also, traditional classical music always had its own niche loyalists who patronised music as an essence of our existence.

Twenty first century has seen an increase of the Internet users in all around the world and it has also given rise to the concept of Internet marketing. With such a trend, online music has significantly increased and the target users are enjoying their online music more than anything. The netizens who have grown fond of the online music swear by it and claim that they can't find music better than this. You can not only legally download, but also buy the favourite music CD's and DVD's totally online. Plus, you have a tremendous variety in finding the music of your choice that you would never be able to find at your local high street music shop.

There are various online music stores that cater to your needs and requirement as far as the online music is concerned. You can browse through the highly user friendly websites that give you enormous variety and also a lot of discounts on your favourite music CD's and DVDs. Else there are various online music download websites that give you legal download of most of your favourite tracks.

Enjoy your online music and get the maximum through the Internet.

Jayson Pablo, an author who writes on different themes for xpert4u and appeal to visit the site to get information about music dvd and dial up internet.
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Jamie Wood: It Don't Mean A Thing If It Don't Have That Swing

Getting the Scoop On Holly-Wood Confidential

CHC We have just gotten a pre-release of your third CD entitled "Hollywood Confidential". "Holly-Wood" is obviously a play on your last name, and makes reference to "Tinseltown" that great center of cinematography, Please tell us about this new CD.

Jamie Wood Well, as you know, blues-based swing is our passion. So this time, on Hollywood Confidential, we wanted to keep that swing thing going, but give it a little more punch by adding the horns. I think we achieved our goal. It's really fun and upbeat, which is what we wanted. I also love R&B so I wrote Song for Mr. X. It's a little more of a 50's sound but I think it fits well with the other songs. Also, Nathan James is just a monster talent on Delta and country blues, so of course there will always be one or two of those. I wanted to add Why Don't You Do Right because I have heard so many people cover that song and they always play and sing it so fast!! In my mind I heard it very vampy and pouty - you know, like "Hey now baby, why dontcha just go on and DO RIGHT????

CHC: In listening to this new CD, it and your previous one, Ain't No Doubt About It are a departure from your very first, Flyin' High. This one buildson the success of your last. Why and how did you decide to make this departure from your original sound?

Jamie Wood: I've been doing traditional blues for many years and I still love to hear it and to sing it. But I just always had in the back of my mind a different way of doing it. I listen a lot to Louis Jordan. As far as I'm concerned he was a musical genious. His stuff is always upbeat but I began to notice how much space there is in his music. By that I mean, a lot of bands are trying to achieve a "big, fat, mellow tone" sort of sound. They try to get it by having filling up every space unitl, to my ear, it sounds like a train wreck!!! You can't hear anything distinctly. I had the idea that if we left more breathing space, if everybody played LESS, we'd get that fat sound. And sure enough, ya gotta give the girl her props!!! Just jivin' Daddy-O. It really did work out though, as you can hear. All our fellow musicians keep sayin' "How did you get that sound?" I just say "It ain't no thang, baby!! Just take your foot off the gas!!!" But seriously, you can't be a mediocre musician to play this stuff like this. I think that's why some bands play so loud and fast - to hide the fact that they aren't very good musicians. SO!! Ya gotta give my guys their props too!!! Because they are, each and every one, top drawer musicians. With them behind me, singin is a piece of cake, Jake!!

CHC: How is your new sound being received in California?

Jamie Wood Very well!! It's getting a lot of radio play and it's selling pretty good so that's all I can ask for, right?

CHC: Have the same personnel in the band been with you on all three CDs?

Jamie Wood: Ah, the poysonelle!!! Yip!! Well, mostly yip!! Nathan James, Johnny Rover, Johnny Morgan and Tyler Pedersen were with me on the three you refer to. Flyin High mistakenly lists Buddy Clarke as the bass player and although I used to work with Buddy a lot, it's Tyler on Flyin High. Also, on that recording I had Tommy Mahon on piano and Robby Eason on guitar, along with Nathan. Carl Sonny Leyland joined us on Ain't No Doubt and Hollywood Confidential.

CHC: To give everyone some background on yourself, how long have you been in music?

Jamie Wood: Well, let's see. I can't remember a time when I wasn't singing. I sang gospel in church as a kid. That's almost mandatory when you're from the South. Then when we came to California I was about 14 I guess, and I got involved with a folk trio and toured up and down the West Coast doing festivals and coffee houses - anywhere I could lie about my age and get away with it. But it was in 1988 or 89 that I formed the Roadhouse Rockets.

CHC: This new CD, "Hollywood Confidential" features three originals penned by yourself. The balance of the CD includes several pop standards. How do your chose your material?

JAmie Wood Okay kiddo, first of all I have never done a "pop" cover in my life!! All the covers I do are mostly 30's and 40's songs. I choose a song because it speaks to me in some way. My personal style, and even the way I write is pretty much from a humorous point of view. So if it makes me laugh or I like the story it tells, then I want to do it.

CHC: On the CD you feature a "way gone" horn section. Introduce us to your horn section.

Jamie Wood Well, there's Ron Dziubla on saxophones, who blows everybody out the water as far as I'm concerned. He brought Bill Churchville to play trumpet. Then of course there is Anita Thomas who played exactly the perfect clarinet on Everything Is Movin Too Fast.

CHC: Johnny plays on fewer tracks on this CD than your last, although he has a larger part in the production and the cover design. Is this the direction Johnny is headed?

Jamie Wood: Johnny and I like to take a very active part in the production and design process. We actually have been invoved in every phase of all our recordings, but this time we just decided to finally give ourselves credit. Johnny plays less on this one because some of the songs just didn't ask for harmonica, and he was cool with that because he's a professional musician and cares more about the music than his ego. But if I were you Baby Doll, I'd look for him and his harps to be a lot more present on the next one!!! We're thinkin about takin it right on back to the roots!!

CHC: We understand that you will shortly leave for Brazil to promote the release of this new CD. Is this your first visit to Brazil?

Jamie Wood: Nope. This will be our third tour there. And man, I gotta tell you, the people in Brazil LOVE American blues. The audiences are so responsive. We always have so much fun when we tour there. We'll be there 3 weeks this time so it will be a pretty heavy tour. Usually that's hard work, but not there. I'm really looking forward to it!!!

CHC: How is your music received down there?

Jamie Wood; They love it!!! They make us feel like celebrities when we go down there.

CHC: How would you compare Brazil's music scene with that stateside?

TJamie Wood: hey have a great music scene. There are clubs everywhere to hear and play live music - and lots of festivals!! We find that here in L.A. the scene is dryin up pretty fast. All the clubs are going to kar-e-oke!! It's getting harder to work here. Might have to move to Austin or Chicago or New Orleans!!! Good thing we stay pretty busy touring. When we get back from Brazil, we'll be home a week, then back to Belgium and France.

CHC: Do you have any final words for the swinging cats and crazy kittens in our readership, and your fans?

Jamie Wood: It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing, doo wah, doo wah, doo waaaaaaaah. Stay tuned guys and dolls. It's finger poppin time!!!!

CHC: Swinging!

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Cradley Heath Amateur Oporatic Society

Summer Holiday is a fun loving, exciting and hilarious musical. From the First Kiss to the Last Blush It's the Craziest Riot On Wheels! If you enjoy a show that will take you on a journey of up's and downs then this is one defiantly NOT to miss.

A film of 'Summer Holiday' was released in February 1963, staring Cliff Richards (Left) as Don, one of four bus mechanics and is a classic from film to stage.
The mechanics strike up a deal with London Transport to do up a double decker and tour it round Europe as a hotel in exchange for a whole fleet of busses... is it too good to be true?

The plot twists when in France three ladies are picked up whose car has broken down. The four lads offer to take them to their next job in Rome. More exciting characters are picked up along the way, a stowaway and an American boy. Meanwhile, a young American female singer has gone missing. Her mother does all she can to find her, including hiring a detective. We find out that the American boy has some explaining to do!! This red bus is diverted all round Europe in dangerous and fun situations all under the umbrella of song.

For more information visit

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Eye Jogia Photography

Eye Jogia your event with will endeavour to capture the defining moments and the emotive ambience of a unique clarity and perspective, so that long after the special day is over, your memories will continue to echo through our work.

Eye Jogia was born out of a passion for design, creativity and a trained eye for detail. The founder by Profession, Sanjay is a qualified Architect which inherently implies these qualities as well as an innate desire for aesthetics and an uncommon capacity for observation and anticipation of unfolding events from the synergy of Art & Technology.

Photography was an integral part of Sanjay’s creative evolution when at the age of only eight, he took his father’s Canon AE-1 manual SLR camera with the instruction book, which he promptly read from cover to cover, and began to shoot. With his new found insight in to photography and the mechanics of how a camera works, Sanjay’s new found hobby led him to experiment with his creativity and the limits of the camera; before he even knew it, Eye Jogia was born.

Approach & Attitude
They believe to truly capture the spirit of the event, we aim to create natural and relaxed, yet lively images which is achieved by an discreet approach by blending in with the guests when appropriate to gain unique and unsuspecting angles which also provides opportunities catch natural expressions & emotions without having to artificially ‘stage’ the shot.

Although our style is predominantly reportage or photo-journalistic, we will be happy to arrange formal compositions to suit your needs.

They feel it is imperative to assist in the preparation and smooth running of your event by ‘going with the flow’ without taking control - thus their best efforts will be made to accommodate your timing and needs by meeting in person fine-tune the details before the event.

They can even enhance existing photos or perform restoration of damaged photographs depending on the extent of the damage, giving your memories a new lease of life.

Wedding Photography

Thursday 14 June 2007

Indie Music

Indie music is a type of alternative rock which exists in the independent music world. The word is periodically used to refer to all underground music, and is the opposite of indie pop music. Indie rock music places an emphasis on electric instruments such guitars and drums. Musicians in the genre are also known for using abstract sounds. The term indie rock is used because musicians work under smaller record labels instead of the major record companies.

Though indie rock isn't technically a genre, it is considered to represent the underground culture in many aspects. Indie artists are known for demanding a large amount of creative control over their music, and this is something which often alienates them from larger companies. Indie artists will strictly rely on word of mouth, tours, and independent radio stations in order to promote their music. Many of the popular artist will end up becoming popular with mainstream audiences, and may be signed by large record labels.

In the US indie music is considered to be a spin off from alternative rock. The movement is believed to have been started during the 1970s or 1980s. The indie rock music of the 1980s had a sounds which were described as being heavy and distorted. By the 1990s, indie music groups such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam became mainstream, and the genre became more widespread. Once the genre became popular, major record companies begin investing large amounts of money in it.

Once this happened, the term "alternative rock" became more of a misnomer. Traditionally, many musicians who have signed with major record companies were considered to be "sell outs" by their hardcore fans. My Original Music is a indie music site located at Here you can find music by independent artists from all over the world. Today, indie rock is a term which has come to describe a wide variety of music. The term indie rock has been applied to psychedelic folk, synth-pop, and post-punk.

Sometimes the term indie rock becomes blurred, and some believe that the word will soon disappear much like alternative rock did. Mainstream artists such as Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys have been known to reach high levels on the indie music charts, especially in the United Kingdom. Some mainstream artists have even been signed to independent record labels. Many popular indie music artist become mainstream, and once this happens, they are no longer independent.

Despite the fact that many indie artists become mainstream, this is not always the case. In fact, most independent artists are not mainstream, and do not wish to be. Money may be a motivating factor, but many artists play their music for the passion and not the money. Many major record labels exert a large amount of control over their artists, and the music which is sold is more often the product of the record companies than the artists themselves. Because of this, many artists have fought with the major record labels over creative control of their music.

Ameet Arurkar is the Founder President of Stargate Holdings Inc. He has served as the President of Valvola Corporation and the Managing Director of Intelisys India Ltd and has an experience of over 8 years in Web Application Software and Ebusiness.

This article is free for republishing
Source:, the best for free web content

Wilkie Martin a hot new writer in town.

Wilkie Martin is a new writer who is currently looking for an agent and publisher.

His first novel "The Darkes' Secret" is a mystery about a young man who finds himself lost and is the story of his journey to discover his home and in the process to understand his strange background including his imprisonment. This story would make an exciting new screenplay.

His 2nd novel 'Inspector Hobbes' is a crime story about Hobbes an unhuman police inspector and this is one of his adventures as told to us by a self-employed reporter, Andy Caplet.

Other work includes some short-stories; amongst these are the amusing tales of Jeremy Pratt a bumbling reporter. These short stories are available to listen to, select the 'Jeremy Pratt' link on the right or below.

Wilkie has also featured on the Corinium radio reading his prize winning entries in their short story, dialogue and poetry competitions.

In addition Wilkie writes articles and short-stores for national magazines.

Wilkie is a member of the CatchWord Writers Group who meet in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Catchword will be hosting a writing event during the Cheltenham Literary Festival in October 2007 aimed at local writers.

Before his writing career, Wilkie has been a pig-handler, barman, factory worker, and worked in the Government Service. Alongside his writing he is a diving-instructor, jam-maker and chef.

For more information visit

Friday 13 April 2007

Learn To Play Music On The Electric Guitar

Many people want to learn to play an instrument but do not
know where to start. If you want to learn how to play the
guitar the first thing is that you need to have one and if
you don't then you will need to buy one. In this article
we will look at what you will need in order to learn how
to play an electric guitar.

Certainly as you will soon find that an electric guitar is
much easier to play than an acoustic one. But along with the
guitar you will also need to have an amp, a guitar cable and
a guitar pick. Plus you will also need to learn about the
various buttons and switches that are on your instrument. But
let us first take a look at the essentials.

1. The Guitar It is important that you know the different
features that are to be found as well as the qualities of
each one. So spend time getting to know the different knobs
and controls on your instrument by playing with them, as
this will provide you with an idea on how to mix everything
properly in order to get the best sound out of the instrument
as possible. What one must remember is that you cannot just
plug in and play as it takes a lot of time in terms of mixing
the sounds and tones together.

2. The Amp Purchase a good quality amp, as even the most
expensive of instruments will sound awful if they are fed
from a low quality amp. If you are able to when purchasing
an amp for your guitar then try it out in the store first.
If you can and the store allows you to then turn all the
switches on it to their highest point and listen to the
sound that the amp produces. If you can afford to, purchase
an amp with a built in distortion box, as this is especially
useful for people who cannot afford to buy an effects box
and the distortion feature is one of the most important

3. Listen To Tracks That Move You One of the best ways of
grasping the basics of playing the blues or rock is to
listen to some of the greatest exciting sounds of all time.
In fact many people find that they learn more from listening
to different riffs and tunes, and then trying to reproduce
the sound themselves on their own.

These are just a few pointers that help a person learn how
to play the electric guitar but there are plenty of sites
on the Internet that can provide further information, tips
and techniques.

Article written by Douglas Taylor.

phil fischer - phil fischer - phil fischer

This article is free for republishing
Source: Article Alley

Ray Charsley & Sandie Croft

This is a story of Sandie and Ray.

They got together in December 1979 after meeting at Kings Country Club in Eastbourne Sussex. In those days Sandie was singing in the resident band "Meridian". Ray was in a local band that played occasionally at the club during the summer months by the name of "Sweet Illusion ". They both liked cream cakes & Indian food and had similar tastes in music, they decided to get together and began trying out some comedy routines under the name of "Slap n' Tickle" but soon found out they weren't funny, after being paid of at a club in the North East of England "Walker Jubilee". We realised that music was more them and put together a multi instrumental show featuring Banjo, Trumpet, Post Horn, guitars and vocal harmony and changed their name to the "Turnpennies" thy used this name for most of their time in Yorkshire, they managed to get enough work with clubs and theatres and stayed in Yorkshire for about 7 years during which time Ray decided to take my music grades on trumpet and began studying with Alan Morrison (who was then principal cornet with Grimethorpe Colliery Band ) for practical study and at High Melton College for my music theory with Andrew Clark, who introduced him to classical music and gave him an appreciation of it. Ray also played in a couple of Brass Bands whilst there, the most famous of which was Jaguar Cars City of Coventry brass band. During this time Sandie was taking singing lessons as a soprano and also studying at High Melton. We moved to Coventry whilst Ray played for Jaguar cars and our work as the "Turnpennies" took us over to Spain where they fell in love with the sunshine and way of life. On their return to Coventry they began making plans to move out to the sunshine and soon found themselves on the road after selling everything and buying a caravan and an old Range Rover, they made for the Portsmouth ferry to France and eventually arrived here in the Algarve.

For more information and pictures visis Sandie and Rays personal website:

Make Music - The Digital Way

Even a few years ago when the recording technology underwent
a metamorphosis people all over the world sang out praises
for the growing convenience with which music was being
produced. Following the digital boom however the scene has
undergone a further development. No longer do you need to
queue up in front of a studio to get your little track
recorded. No longer do you need to coax your parents to lend
you the money for the hi-tech studio equipment you would need
to turn your practice pad into a swanky recording patch. And
it's all because of the wonder box we have all come to know
and love as the Personal Computer.

Thanks to the PC you can now not just record but also edit
your own musical creations right in the comfort of your own
home. All you need for the process is a proper 'music
production software' (not exactly a rare breed and available
easily on a number of free download sites on the net) and
some great hardware.

If your budget is permissive get yourself a proper software
package for as little as a few hundred dollars. Also, acquire
a good, professional-quality audio interface (which will set
you back by about $100 but no more) and get your own virtual
recording studio right in your garage! If the large variety
of recording software's available in the market appears a
tad bit bewildering relax, play safe and go for the best.
Cubase, ProTools, Sonar, Sound Forge etc. are some of the
names to reckon with in this field.

Once your track is recorded, mixed and edited, get ready for
the final step of your quest - distribution. Simply upload
your track on to the net. A number of sites and P2P
operationsallow you to upload files so take full advantage
of this opportunity and show the world what you are really
made of.

Once the uploading has been done use community sites such as
Orkut or Facebook to advertise your creation amongst friends
and others. While you are at it, encourage them to simply
download music (the music being yours in this case, and the
downloading being completely legal for a change).

Who knows quite how the recording industry will be affected by
this recent trend. But whether it crumbles or manages to survive
and flourish, you will definitely earn your own name amidst all
the action. And for all you know maybe the guy next door will be
humming your song while in the shower very soon!

Article written by Sarika Kabra.

phil fischer - phil fischer - phil fischer

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Singing and recording : What has changed?

The techniques used to record vocals these days are essentially the same as those used fifty years ago. Microphone technology has not really progressed; pre-amplifiers and compressors have not really changed either, though they might sport more features and controls. Even though the way we capture the sound has changed some people still prefer to record onto ferrous tape. Digital recording is no longer new either and dates back to the early nineteen eighties.

So what has changed has changed?

Well, software and accessibility. We are now able to manipulate what we record beyond our wildest dreams. When I started recording in the late nineteen eighties I was using an eight track tape machine which meant when you recorded a vocal it had to be a near to perfect as you could get it because timing and pitch could not be altered at all. Today with a few clicks of the mouse you can move every word around to your heart’s content in an audio sequencer. Auto-tune plug-ins can correct pitch issues in very near real time. To top it all most people with a pc, microphone, pre-amplifier and a modicum of interest in music and recording can have access to all the marvels of the making music in the digital world right there in their front room or bedroom. It does not, however, guarantee they will become the next George Martin or say, Freddy Mercury but it does mean they can record and edit to a pretty decent standard with limited means. For musicians these advantages are obvious as they no longer need to pay for expensive studio time to record their music. Perhaps they will record just the drums at a studio then edit the results to tighten the performance before laying down the other instruments in the comfort of their own home at their own leisure and speed. There is also so much information on the internet that if you do have a technical issue then someone, almost undoubtedly, will have posted a solution on the internet that you can find within minutes. Go back fifty years and you would have struggled to find someone who knew what phase cancellation was in your own city never mind find someone who knew how to correct or avoid it. Skills are therefore becoming less specialized as more information is available to us all.

You would think that this technological revolution would mean there are more amazing singers being discovered. Sadly, the answer is probably no. Why? Well, software is making people lazy and blunting their performance skills. For instance, I record someone singing a vocal; the take is ok but slightly out of time and out of tune. I try to coax another take out of him but he is tired or needs to be somewhere else. “Come on John, a bit of auto tune and a nip and a tuck here and there and it will be fine” he might tell me. On one level he is right. If it is not too bad then it can be corrected using software and good judgment but that will not make him a better singer. These days everyone thinks they can sing. Probably half the singers in the top forty cannot sing properly and their careers rely on clever engineers and the latest software. Let us face it: you need to have talent or work very hard to become a good singer! If I can offer any advice laymen advice it would be as follows:

It is important with vocals as with all REAL instruments to learn how to ''get them down". By that I mean how to get a good take down. Identify your weaknesses and work to work to overcome them rather than relying on software that can sometimes often cheapen the results. Always try to get a good signal recorded. You should not exceed -2 decibels. Try not to record with any equalization and if the performance does not need compression to control it then you can leave that until later too. Always use a pop shield.

A good tip is too really practice singing your lines without the music and indentify where you are going wrong. Then break it down and focus on the bad bits. Let the microphone do the work, you do not need to shout or force it. Try to control your breathing from your diaphragm (this takes practice). Practice your vowels and mouth sounds too as this helps develop clearer execution. Good timing is essential but not difficult to master if you know you lines. Try to know your lines off by heart so that you are not distracted by reading at the same time as you are trying to sing.

Most people tend to sing out of tune when they cannot hear what they are singing properly i.e. the mix is too loud in their headphones or the bass is too loud in their headphones. In fact headphones are difficult to use for many singers; some top producers have the mix coming out of the control room monitors with the singer and microphone in there in front of the monitors (you can use a noise gate to take out the spill later). Try it and see if works for you. Remember not to have the volume too loud or the microphone pointing at the monitors. It is essential, however, to always use a pop shield.

The gap between mediocre and great music is narrower these days as more and more people are having a go at making music and in general we are getting used to hearing mediocre music while thinking it is something special. If you are serious about singing, recording, or making music then strive to improve continually in every area. Do not rely on software to make you sound good rather use it wisely to help nurture and express your music. I record royalty free music for and album for artists and I am constantly trying to improve what I do. To me it is an endless quest.

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Source: Article Alley, great for free web content.
Occupation: Musician/website Owner
Guitarist / music producer and keen writer. I grew up in Wales and have moved around Europe a fair bit. Started playing guitar when I was fourteen and I am still hooked. I have produced several albums and currently run a royalty free music website. When I get the time I tap away at my first novel which I hope to finish in this lifetime.....

Download music online – has the Internet turned the music world around?

A famous saying used to say that music is food for the soul. This proverb is today more truthful than ever, with various genres, suiting every preference and taste. Music heals the soul and provides it with incredible emotions that cannot be offered by anything else in the world. As we grow, we learn to appreciate and understand music, with all its subtle meanings and amazing lyrics.

Expressing feelings through music has always been an important part of human nature. The first tune appeared a long time ago and nowadays, people have many choices to choose from. There are many popular musical genres including: pop, rock, folk and R&B. The common elements of all these different rhythms are music lyrics and basic terms (harmony, tempo and timbre).

The advent of the Internet has led to the incredible widespread of diverse types of music. We now have the possibility to download music from online virtual stores and listen to it whenever we feel like it. The great variety available online has suited the demands of many Internet users, who are also interested in music lyrics, or words of the songs.

For many music fans, learning all about their favorite band or singer is vital. They go online and search for band information, music lyrics and download music from various websites. Music is something that can surely enrich a person and offer something to dream about.

We listen to music when we feel sad, happy or mad. There are many songs out there to help us with every state of mind and music lyrics can be a wonderful way to forget all about our troubles. Many people observe that just by humming the tunes and whispering the chorus of their favorite song, they feel better.

It is an amazing feeling to share the music lyrics of a special song with a loved one. You feel a strong connection, above all the realities of life and somehow life seems a lot easier. Even when you listen to a song on the radio, you do not think very much about the instrumental part of the song. Still, when it comes to music lyrics, you know them by heart and you enjoy singing along.

As we live in a world full of information, available on the Internet, many people and especially youngsters use this amazing tool to download music and search for their favorite band’s lyrics. Music is important for any person and it can be considered as a true form of art. Artists spend a long time rehearsing the tunes and fitting the lyrics; they get credit for the song and they are revered by many generations.

The fact that we can download music from the Internet and look for songs of older generations is wonderful. The truth is that some songs never die and there are artists that will live forever in the music world. Their lyrics are fully of meaning, being part of various generations, helping to the fulfillment of many hopes and dreams.

Popular artists also post their music online, hoping to gain more popularity by doing that. Some of them have very good songs and they manage to stay on billboards for many months in a row. Still, there are certain types of music that cannot last in time, however many fans it gathers. True music fans have learned to appreciate the kind of music that lasts and they enjoy extremely much the possibility to download music online.

Music, as well as other forms of entertainment and self expression, has always been subject to controversy. In this whirlpool of arguments, genuine artists have survived and their music is offered online for download. They apprise the technology of Internet and they value the importance of specialized websites for such purposes. Also, they are glad to see how treasured their music lyrics are by heaps of youngsters and adults likewise.

We have music for the soul and we invite you to check us out. Download music , search for music lyrics and browse our website. Have fun and don’t forget to tell your friends all about us! We are here, waiting for them.

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Source: Article Alley

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